Letter to Budget Committee Chairs on FY2014 Budget

On November 4, 2013, the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) sent a letter to U.S. Congressional Budget Committee chairs Patty Murray (D-WA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI) urging specific solutions to strengthen economic recovery and fairly balance the budget.

The letter urges Congress to end the sequester; adopt Fiscal Year 2014 spending bills that protect and strengthen critical non-defence discretionary programs; and to protect current and future Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries.

LCAO letter to Budget Committee Chairs on FY2014 Budget

Letter to Congress re: March Budget Debates

Letter to Congress letter regarding the upcoming budget debates, including the FY14 budget resolution deliberations. LCAO remains opposed to the level of nondefense discretionary cuts in the sequester and calls for any future deficit reduction to be balanced,  protect vulnerable Americans and middle class families, and ask more from those best able to contribute toward deficit reduction. Specifically, LCAO calls for:

1.    A Balanced Approach that Includes Revenues
2.    No Harm to Medicare and Medicaid Beneficiaries
3.    Protecting the Promise of Social Security

Letter to Congress re: March Budget Debates