LCAO letter calling on Congress to strengthen essential programs for older Americans during the 2025 appropriations process.
Tag: Budget
Chair’s Letter on Debt Limit
Chair’s Letter to Congressional leadership urging that Congress to pass a clean debt limit increase. Benefits and services crucial for aging with health and independence such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Older Americans Act services, Elder Justice Act protections, and housing, food, transportation, and utility assistance should not be threatened.
Chair’s Letter on FY23 Budget and Appropriations
The Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) is a coalition of national nonprofit organizations concerned with the well-being of America’s older population and committed to representing their interests in policy-making arenas. Many of the federal programs under the jurisdiction of your Appropriations Subcommittees are critical to helping millions of older adults age with dignity, health, and independence in their homes and communities and providing vital support to their family caregivers.
LCAO FY 2022 Budget and Appropriations Letter
The Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) is a coalition of national nonprofit organizations concerned with the well-being of America’s older population and committed to representing their interests in the policy-making arena. Many of the federal programs under the jurisdiction of your Appropriations Subcommittees are critical to helping millions of older adults and family caregivers age with dignity, health, and independence in their homes and communities. This is especially important at a time when aging at home remains the safest option for older adults, who are at greatest risk for negative health outcomes associated with COVID-19.