Sign-On Letter Supporting Budget Agreement FY 20-21
Sign-On Letter Supporting Budget Agreement FY 20-21
Sign-On Letter Supporting Budget Agreement FY 20-21 FINAL 7.24.19
Chair’s Letter Opposing Balanced Budget Amendment
Chair’s Letter expressing opposition to H.J.Res. 2 or any balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Letter on Lifting Budget Control Act Caps
LCAO Chair’s Letter on the importance of reaching a bipartisan, bicameral agreement to lift the Budget Control Act caps that eliminates the threat of sequestration; maintains parity; avoids permanent offsets that threaten American’s health and economic security; and provides equitable relief allowing the FY 2018 appropriations process to be completed and direct much needed investments for older Americans, their families and their communities.
Letter on FY18 Appropriations
Letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee and Subcommittee leadership regarding LCAO priorities for FY 2018.