Letter on HR 620, Americans with Disabilities Act Education and Reform Act
LCAO letter, signed by 39 member organizations, urging the Senate to oppose H.R. 620, the ADA Education and Reform Act, or any Senate companion legislation.
Statement on Senate Tax Reform
Statement on Senate tax reform legislation, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, sent November 28, 2017.
Statement on House Tax Reform
Statement on the House tax reform legislation, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, sent November 8. 2017.
Letter – LCAO FY 2016 Appropriations
This LCAO letter, signed by 44 organizations, outlines the coalitions’ appropriations priorities by committee and agency for the FY 2016 budget.
House Version – LCAO FY16 Appropriations – House
Senate Version – LCAO FY16 Appropriations – Senate
LCAO White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA) Documents
The Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) formed a White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA) work group to formulate policy priorities and suggestions for the Conference and Regional Forums. The co-chairs, Sarah Lock from AARP and Diane Lifsey from the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM), sent a cover letter with LCAO policy documents to Nora Super and the White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA) staff. All of the documents are uploaded to the following links and include descriptions outlining their relation to one another.
Cover Letter from co-chairs – Nora Super policy recommendations for the WHCOA – Final
LCAO Policy Priorities – LCAO- WHCoA Priority Policy Recommendations Final
LCAO Policy Document – LCAO WHCoA Policy Catalog Final