This letter was sent to Sen. Lamar Alexander, Sen. Patty Murray, Sen. Michael Enzi, Sen. Bernard Sanders, and Sen. Richard Burr
Tag: LCAO Chair's Letter
Chair’s Letter – FY 2016 Appropriations
LCAO sent the following letter to Rep. DeLauro.
Chair’s Letter – FY 2016 Budget Letter
The following letters from the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) urge Congress to adopt fiscal solutions that would strengthen the financial and health security of older adults, and to reject proposals that would worsen the already fragile economic and health status of older Americans and their families in the FY 2016 Budget.
House:LCAO Budget Letter – House
Senate:LCAO Budget Letter – Senate
Chair’s Letter on House Rules and Disability Insurance
An LCAO Chair’s letter to the House leadership and members regarding the House Rules and the Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) program.
Letter on Substantial Growth Rate Formula and Extenders
LCAO approved a Chairs letter to Congress urging members to repeal and replace the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula, and to enact a permanent solution for critical health care extenders during the current lame duck session of Congress.
Chair’s Letter on OAA Reauthorization
At the September 3rd Full Council meeting, the Community Services committee recommended another letter should be sent on behalf of the LCAO from the Chair to motivate Congress to reauthorize the Older Americans Act (OAA) this fall. The council unanimously passed this motion and the Chair has now finalized the letter.
Chair Letter to CMS on Medicare Part C and D
Chair Letter to CMS on Medicare Part C and D – Comments by LCAO Chair Richard Fiesta on Contract Year 2015 Policy and Technical Changes to the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Programs
Chair’s Letter on Older Americans Act Reauthorization
LCAO letter thanking Senators Harkin, Alexander, Sanders and Burr for their leadership in crafting the Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2013 (S. 1562). LCAO also expresses eagerness to work to build upon the successes of the OAA in the current reauthorization process and beyond.
Letter to President re: Budget Principles
December 13, 2012
Chair’s letter to President conveying LCAO Budget Principles related to year-end budget debate (“fiscal cliff”).
Letter to Congress re: Budget Principles
December 13, 2012
Chair’s letter to Congress conveying LCAO Budget Principles related to year-end budget debate (“fiscal cliff”).