LCAO letter calling on Congress to strengthen essential programs for older Americans during the 2025 appropriations process.
Issue Area: Income Security
LCAO January 2024 Chair’s Letter on Medicare Low-Income Outreach
Chair’s Letter to Senate and House Leadership, urging Congress to extend funding for Medicare low-income beneficiary outreach and enrollment efforts.
LCAO Dec 2023 Chair’s Letter on Opposition to Fiscal Commission
Chair’s Letter to Congress, strongly opposing the creation of a fiscal commission and urging policies that strengthen earned benefits instead.
Chair’s Letter on Debt Limit
Chair’s Letter to Congressional leadership urging that Congress to pass a clean debt limit increase. Benefits and services crucial for aging with health and independence such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Older Americans Act services, Elder Justice Act protections, and housing, food, transportation, and utility assistance should not be threatened.
Chair’s Letter on Administration Vacancies
Chair’s Letter to the Administration calling for filling the leadership vacancies within the Social Security Administration (SSA) and Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Chair’s Letter on 2022 Lame Duck Session
As Congress convenes for the 2022 lame duck session, the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) reinforces its top priorities in the areas of appropriations and community services, health, income security, and lifting the debt ceiling, with a Chair’s Letter to House and Senate leadership.
Sign-On Letter on Retirement Savings Package Priorities
LCAO letter expressing the coalition’s support for key provisions that will improve retirement savings opportunities in the Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act of 2022, the Retirement Improvement and Savings Enhancement to Supplement Healthy Investments for the Nest Egg (RISE & SHINE) Act of 2022, and the Securing a Strong Retirement Act (Secure 2.0).
Letter in Support of SSA Funding
The Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) is a coalition of 69 national nonprofit organizations concerned with the well-being of America’s older population and committed to representing their interests in the policy-making arena. We strongly urge you to enact omnibus appropriations legislation that includes all 12 subcommittee bills for Fiscal Year 2022 and becomes effective when the continuing resolution (CR) ends. In doing so, Congress should fully fund the Administration’s request of $14.189 billion for Social Security Administration so it can fulfill its critical mission to administer the nation’s social insurance programs for the financial well-being of retirees and their survivors, disabled workers and their families, as well as the aged and blind. This is especially important because of the harm done by Covid-19.